Thursday, November 1, 2012

Celebrating 6 Months!

On Sunday, October 28th Tom and I got to celebrate our 6 month anniversary. I can't believe it's already been 6 months - time flies when you are having fun!! To celebrate we went to dinner at Blanc Burgers and Bottles, and we also saw the movie Argo. (which was a great movie and we recommend seeing it!)

It was great to be able to celebrate the most fun 6 months of our lives- so far. We are loving being married, have done a lot of work on the house, and have already got to see and do so many fun things as "The Sanfords." We are excited to see what else there is to come!!

We are so fortunate to have each other, and are very blessed. We are reminded every day how lucky we are to have amazing family and friends that support our marriage. I love being around Tom, and can honestly say I married my best friend.

Now don't let me stink up this place with roses too much. There have definitely been some learning experiences our first sixth months. Here are a few "fun" things we have learned about one another in our marriage so far.

1. I am apparently a plastic grocery bag collector. When Tom found my stash in the pantry he said, "Oooh you are one of those people." (teasing, of course)  You never know when you are going to need one to carry things or use as a trash bag!

2. As you get older some of your friends don't stay out as late, and just can't hang. are never too old to have a dance party in your own living room. One night all of our friends went home early, so Tom and I had our own dance party back at the house. It. Was. Awesome.

3. You don't know your roof leaks until it rains. (Yeah, that one sucked)  Not a metaphor, this one is literal.  :)

4. Tom keeps his toothbrush in the shower which I think is SUPER weird for some reason. Works for him... works for me.

5. We have a jack and jill sink and somehow I always manage to take ALL of it over. Oops?

6. I am OCD in the way that I clean things. I like things to get dusted, vacuumed  and scrubbed a certain way. It drives me crazy that I do it, and it drives Tom crazy that I try to make him do it.

7. Remodeling can bring out the best and worst in people. I have lost my patience a couple times on projects, and I have seen Tom (come very close) to punching a hole in the wall because something wasn't working right.

8. I watch a lot of football/shoot em' up movies for Tom, and in trade he watches a lot of obnoxious girly TV shows for me. Everything in moderation, right?

9. I have very strange sleeping habits, and it drives Tom crazy. I sleep on my stomach with one leg straight down and one leg bent, smothering Tom. Sometimes I wake up around 3-4am with an important questions that can't wait til the morning to ask. How do I wake him you might ask... I poke him until he wakes up of course. :)

10. Tom whistles all the time. I know you might be thinking, so what's wrong with that? Well, when you hear the same song in a different octave 72 times - you will be able to tell me.

11. Balance is hard!! In our first 6 months of marriage there were SO many changes. Not only did we have to adjust to living together and combine all of our things but, we tried our best to balance seeing both sets of families friends, house projects, traveling, 4 weddings, work, cooking, cleaning and so much more. Tom and I learned quick that we can't be everywhere and make everyone happy, and that it's 100% okay to put ourselves first for awhile. I am sure as we get older and busier this will be a constant struggle.

12. We've learned that we aren't always going to "laugh with each other," sometimes we are going to "laugh AT each other" and that is just as fun.

Here's to another fun, exciting 6 months!

Our cute little basket on our date that will filled with sweet potato fries. Mmm!

Tom and I celebrating 6 months. 

1 comment:

  1. 6 months goes sooo fast!!! :) Congrats on such a wonderful start to married life!!!
    Talk to you soon!!
