We started celebrating our anniversary on Saturday. Tom was pampered with a straight razor shave and massage at The Gents Place. He's always talked about a straight razor shave, and he does SO much for us and our home I figured he deserved some serious relaxation. Sunday morning we went to church (where we were married). It was really fun to be there, and remember exchanging our vows with our friends and family a year before. After church we headed to Hen House grocery store and loaded up on meats, cheese, cookies, crackers, fruits, veggies, and drinks for our picnic. We know how to shop for a picnic.
After the store Tom told me he had to make a quick stop by the rental house to get some tools. I asked if he needed help carrying them, and he told me to come inside. I was totally 100% SHOCKED to see an awesome beach cruiser bike, flowers, and a card waiting for me inside. WOW! I have been wanting a bike for so long, and the best part of this whole gift is that Tom got one too so we can ride together. I am so stoked to ride all over this city, this spring and summer. We are altready decked out and ready to roll, (pun intended) with helmets, a bell, locks, and a water bottle.
We loaded up our picnic gear, jumped on our bikes and rode down to Mill Creek park on the Country Club Plaza. (The park to the East of the Plaza with the beautiful fountains where we took wedding photos). We sat, listened to music, people watched, and ate all afternoon in the sun. Have I not mentioned the weather yet? It was perfect - 75, sunny, and not a cloud in the sky. My great new farmers tan, just on my right arm can prove it. We figured out that we rode about 8 miles total that day. Go us - on our first bike ride!!
That night we went to our favorite restaurant Westside Local and even got to enjoy dinner outside. We were planning on eating our cake topper that night after we got home, but once again Tom totally rocked a great surprise. I am one lucky girl to have a romantic, thoughtful, (sneaky), and kind husband. He had a friend (thanks Chris and Erica!) take the cake to Westside earlier that day, and they brought it out after dinner. Beautiful presentation! Props to Tom for thinking of that, and props to Westside for helping him out. Fun stuff.
It was really the perfect day, and we were so glad to celebrate in Costa Rica and in Kansas City with each other. When we got home that night we watched our slideshow that we played at the wedding, talked about the first year, looked at wedding photos, listened to the songs at our wedding, and read the MOH and Best Man speech. I know, I am a total cheeseball, but I hope we keep doing it every year. Make it a tradition, and remember how happy and blessed we are. People say the first year is the hardest, because of all the adjustments and challenges you face combining two lives into one. I won't lie and say that it was 100% easy all of the time - it's not. (I just got mad at him while writing this because he wanted to make sugar cookies at 10 o'clock at night after working in the yard all day - I am tired dude.) ;) But... luckily I got to marry my best friend and the best man I know. I know that he loves me, and that we both will continue to work hard to make each other happy and be present in a healthy marriage.


I found a great site to make a book out of our first year of marriage blog. So, we wrote this next part more for us, to look back and read in 50 years.
10 Favorite Things About Year One:
6. Getting to see Tom everyday. I get SO excited at the end of the day and he walks in the door. He gives the best hugs, and no matter how crappy or exhausting your day, he always makes me happy!
7. You have a partner in crime... for everything. Don't want to go to a networking event alone? Need motivation to work out? Want to see a new movie that came out? Have to run boring errands? You ALWAYS have something that you love spending time with to go do everything with. He's my favorite.
8. My travel buddy - Tom and I have had the opportunity to go on some fun trips this past year. I hope we never get sick of traveling and continue to do so for the rest of our lives. Even when things get crazy with jobs, kids, and life - TAKE A VACATION. Exploring a new place is so much more fun with him.
9. Trying new things. Tom makes me want to expand my horizons and try new things. From cooking disasters, DIY projects, gardening, taking a new job, to taking classes. He is my biggest cheerleader - telling me, "What the heck, go for it! What do you have to lose?" He is so supportive and encouraging, I am so appreciative of that.
10. I get to live with my best friend. The first four are kind of wrapped up into this one, but it's so true. Honestly, I was a little scared to move in with Tom after we got married. I have lived with anywhere from just one (my sister) to 60+ girls (my sorority) at one time and the thought of not having a female roommate to ask what I should wear, cry to, and have a glass of wine at the end of a bad day. Sorry girls, he is way better than living with you all! haha If something exciting happens for me, I have someone right there to share that excitement with. I get to wake up and go to sleep with my best friend - it's awesome! I had some really frustrating and discouraging job stuff happen this year. No matter how upset I got and how bad it seemed, I knew everything was going to be okay because of Tom and our marriage. We would and will get through anything together.
Where We Want to Be In Five, Twenty, Fifty Years:
Five: I would love to move some place warmer and on the coast for a few years before we start a family. Still traveling, trying new things and really enjoying where we work.
Twenty: Raising our kids, and enjoying family life. Hopefully managing to balance work, home, family life while still putting each other and our marriage first.
Fifty: Retired, both of us. Living some place warm... traveling, swimming, volunteering, and still making each other laugh.
Our Favorites:
Restaurant: Westside Local
Place We've Been To: Jamaica
Thing to Do with Eachother: Nothingness. We have worked very hard to get our house fixed up, and cozy this past year (three bathrooms, a basement, kitchen, and two living rooms to be exact). We like to enjoy it! Just sit, watch TV, drink wine on the patio, put a puzzle together in the basement - nothingness.
Favorite Thing We Like to Cook: Anything out of Bon Appetit magazine. Steaks, banana bread, salad dressings, Christopher Elbow drinking chocolate, and of course anything that we grew ourselves.
Favorite TV Shows: Scandal, Modern Family, Men Who Built America, Parenthood.
Favorite Drinks: Chocolate milk, white win, gin and tonic, diet coke, sour beers.
Favorite Music: Of Monsters and Men, The Lumineers, Bob Marley, Fleetwood Mac, Mumford and Sons, Ray LaMontagne, Florence and the Machine, Iron and Wine, Avett Brothers.
Favorite Food: Libby-cheese. Tom- anything sweet, sugary and chocolate.
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