Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Saturday Game Night!

While the rest of Kansas was experiencing severe storms and tornadoes on Saturday we had some excitement of our own. We invited Chris and Erica Thowe and Kyle and Abby FitzGerald over for dinner and a game night.We indulged in pork tacos with slaw, black beans, white rice, tomitillo salsa, cheese dip, and guacamole. To top it off we had our second batch of homemade ice cream - vanilla with chocolate chip cookie dough. You can see from the pics below is was a huge hit. We dined on our new dining room chairs (I am happy to report no spills!) and couldn't have asked for better company. Comimos como que no había mañana.  that is Spanish for we ate like there was no tomorrow!

After dinner Kyle and Abby attempted to teach us how to play Gin Rummy. It was a good lesson, but we might need another one soon. We opted to a game that you had to play a little less attention to while playing. Catch Phrase! The game works a lot like charades, but you can talk. So, maybe that makes it not like charades at all? There is a word on the screen and you have to describe to your team what the word is without saying it. Example: Holland - I would say things like, tulips grow here, they have big windmills, it's in Europe, etc, etc. But, the fun part is that whoever has the game when the buzzer goes off loses! People say really ridiculous things, and get very flustered. We laughed so hard that night, it was a blast!

We are so excited to be married, have our house situated and furnished so we are able to have lots more people over to cook for and entertain. It was a really fun Saturday night, and a good reminder of fun a relaxing Saturday night with friends can be.

What a fun group!!

Relaxing after consuming 432lbs of chips and dips.

Our delicious ice cream! We pre froze the cookie dough, added the balls at the end at it worked great.

Learning to play Gin Rummy.

Someone...aka Kyle - could not stay away from the ice cream!

This is how the night ended. Erica in Kyle's shoes doing who knows what!


  1. Your chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream sounds delicious!!! Sounds like a fun night too!! :)

  2. Time for a new post, Sanfords!
