Sunday, March 11, 2012

48 Days to Go!

We had another busy weekend of wedding and remodeling activities. Tom helped his last roommate move out of his house while I had a gown alteration and bridal hair trial. (inside scream for joy for all of thee above!)

Then we both headed over to our friends Kyle and Abby's house to make sushi. Chris and Erica were there too! It was so nice to have a relaxing night in with good friends.

We got ALL the painting on the basement done. Things are really coming together and Kyle and Tom are putting the tile down this week. It is so weird (but the greatest thing ever) to come over to Toms and have it just be him. No loud, messy roommates... sorry Jon and Phil. It really is a good taste of what our lives will be like in just a couple short months. I can't wait!


  1. You are rocking on your home projects and wedding planning!
    I can't wait to hang out soon!!
    Sushi night is a great idea!

  2. Thanks lady! Let's hang out soon. :)
