Who knew there were so many carpet and tile choices? Tom and I spent about 3 hours in the carpet department at Nebraska Furniture Mart. We got the samples, and the carpet is being measured tonight. We are 90% sure this is what we are going with. (Picture Below)
Remodeling, and going to Nebraska Furniture Marts are a definite test of the ol' relationship. Great for communication and relationship building. We found a fun video on the subject from the show 30 Rock. Fast forward to 18:45 to watch.
http://www.hulu.com/watch/327807/30-rock-hey-baby-whats-wrong This was almost Tom and I. ;)
A few more pictures from the remodel.
Our tile and carpet selections. |
Bathroom color and wallpaper |
This pole used to be covered in carpet. Tom boxed in all in, and it looks great! |
All new crown molding |